Thursday 6 October 2016


Hepatozoonosis is tick borne protozoan disease of carnibores,cat is caused by protozoal agent Hepatozoon is also reported from wild animals like hyena,jaguar etc.In dogs hepatozoon infection occur in two forms Hepatozoon canis and Hepatozoon americanum.

Transmission-Unlike other vector borne diseases this is also transmitted by tick.Hepatozoon canis is transmitted by Brown dog tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Hepatozoon americanum is transmitted by Gulf host tick Ambylomma maculatum.Infection occur when an infected tick is eaten by dog.this is not transmitted by biting of tick.

Clinical sign-Signs of disease include high fever,loss of weight,loss of appetite,anaemia,weakness,nasal discharge,poor body condition,weakness of the rear limbs.sometimes diarrhoea is also observed.As the disease progresses lameness,severe muscle pain and inability to raise the weight on its hind limb.
                                                    watch video

Diagnosis-Confirmatory diagnosis of H.canis is done by microscopic examination of blood of infected dog.The microscopic detection of H.canis Gamont in blood smear stained with Giemsa stain.the gamonts always found in neutrophils.they are capsule shaped stained ice or light blue colour with pink nucleus detected in cytoplasm of neutrophils.the number on neutrophis are also increase.

Gamont of H.canis in the cytoplasm of neutrophil.
Fig Gamont of H.canis in the cytoplasm of neutrophil.


H.canis in neutrophil of dog
Fig H.canis in neutrophil of dog.

Treatment-H.canis can be treated by Tab Doxycycline 10 mg/kg body weight oral for 10-15 days or clindamycine 5-10 mg/kg body weight for 10 days oral along with supportive therapy like appetite stimulant(syp. Aptiquick 1tsf bid for 10 days),hematinics(Syp Heamup 1 tsf bid for 10 days),liver tonic(syp Liv 52 1 tsf for 10 days).

Monday 3 October 2016


Anaplasmosis is a tick borne protozoan disease caused by several species of  rickesttsial parasite.Anaplasma marginale and Anaplasma centrale are two most common pathogens of cattle and buffalo but A.marginale primarly causes disease in cattle in india.Cattle and buffalo are two most common suseptible animal among these cross breeds are mainly effected.Sheep and goats are much less commonly effected.Anaplasmosis is also called "yellow beg" or "Yellow fever" because can develop jaundice.

Host-it causes disease in all animals e.g. cattle,buffalo,sheep,goat,horse and dog but cattle and buffalo are most commonly effected animals.

Transmission-It is not a contagious is commonly transmitted by ticks includes hyalomma,Rhipicephalus,Ixodid etc.It can be transmitted mechanically when red blood cells infected with A.marginale are inoculated into healthy and susceptible can occur through needles or any infected surgical can also transmitted by bite of fleae or mosquito.

Clinical sign-Clinical sigms are depend upon age.Cattle of all age can become infected but severity of disease is age dependent with cattle less then a year of old showing no or very mild clinical sign of disease but it will become a carriers.Carrier animal have immunity against anaplasma.Cattle 1-3 year of age will show more severe clinical signs.clinical sign manifested by high fever,anorexia,rapid shallow breathing,pale mucus membrane and decrease milk production.cow with light skin with initially look pale around the eyes and muzzle,but latter this can change to a yellowish color because of jaundice.Jaundice is develop due to destruction of red blood cells and their content being release into the blood stream.there is rapid weight loss.

Diagnosis-it is very difficult to diagnosed the anaplasmosis with theileriosis by clinical sign and symptoms because clinical signs of both disease are almost similar.confirmatory diagnosis is done by examination of blood of sick animal and identification of organism in the red blood cells.A.marginale is looks like a pinkish round or disk shape ponit with a wide zone around it and present of the margin of red blood cells.A.centrale is similar to A.marginale but it is found anywhere in the red blood cells but mostly found on center of RBCs.

Anaplasma marginale
Fig. Anaplasma marginale present at the periphery of erythrocyte

anaplasma margiale

Fig. Anaplasma marginale present at the periphery of erythrocyte
Fig. Anaplasma marginale present at the periphery of erythrocyte

anaplasma marginale                                     

Fig. Anaplasma marginale present at the periphery of erythrocyte
Fig. Anaplasma marginale present at the periphery of erythrocyte

Treatment-Treatment of anaplasmosis is most effective if given in early stage of disease.A single injection of Oxytetracycline @ 10 mg/kg body weight is administered I/V two times in a day is very effected.supportive therapy must be given for early Hematinics(Ferritas @ 10 ml I/M on alternate days,liver tonics,ruminotorics.